thank you

We want to thank you for visiting our web site. Even if we've never met you, we know from God's word that we share much in common: We are all great sinners in need of a gracious Savior. Why? God created us in his image to worship and glorify him. Instead, we've sinned against God and fall short of the glory of God. So we deserve to be condemned by God in hell. But God has been gracious. God the Father sent his beloved Son to save great sinners like us. For us and for our salvation, Jesus Christ lived the sinless life we failed to live. Jesus Christ was condemned on the cross for our sins. But Jesus Christ rose again from the dead and ascended into heaven. Then, God the Father and God the Son sent God the Holy Spirit to give new life to all who will turn from their sins and trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness. Have you done this? If so, praise the Lord! And if not, we beg you to do this! Either way, we invite you to join us at Trinity Community Church. Here, God continues to show us grace by transforming us into the glorious image of Jesus Christ until he comes again to bring us safely into his heavenly kingdom.

If you have any questions after browsing the web site, please don't hesitate to contact us (see below). Lord willing, we look forward to meeting you soon!