According to the Bible, disciples of Jesus Christ must worship the one triune God all the time by loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. By God’s design, we maintain this lifestyle of worship by gathering each Sunday at Jireh Place to worship God together. Here's what to expect:
- LENGTH: The worship service begins at 9:00 AM. Sunday school begins at 10:30 AM.
- WHAT TO WEAR: We have no dress code. Some people wear suits and dresses. Other people wear t-shirts and jeans. Come dressed comfortably.
- WELCOME: We want to welcome visitors, not draw unnecessary attention to them. So when you visit us for the first time, we will not ask you to stand or give your name. But please feel free to mingle after the service. We would love to meet you!
- CHILDREN: We believe that children enhance our
corporate worship. So, we encourage you to keep your children with you during
the worship service. Nursery care is available during the service for
children 4 years old and under. If you would like your child to attend nursery, a
legal parent or guardian must sign the child in and
pick the child up at his or her classroom after the service. Child Protection Policy (PDF)
- SERMON: We preach from a particular biblical text. We typically preach consecutively through books of the Bible. Ideally, the structure, main idea, and tone of the biblical text informs the structure, main idea, and tone of the sermon. We seek to accomplish this goal by explaining what the text meant to its original audience, what the text teaches about the person and work of Jesus Christ, and how to faithfully apply these truths in our contemporary context. The sermon is usually 30-40 minutes long.
Each week, we recite either the Nicene Creed or the Apostle's Creed, which summarize the core doctrines of Christianity. Then, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, in which we remember Christ's death for his people and look forward to his glorious return to take us to himself. The Lord's Supper is a Christian celebration.
Therefore, if you have repented of your sins, believed in the Lord Jesus
Christ, been baptized with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit, and if you are part of a gospel-believing church, please
join us to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. If this does not describe you, please
allow the bread and cup to pass you by. Instead, we would encourage you to feed on
the bread of life by entrusting your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Gluten-free
bread is available.
- MUSIC: Typically, we sing five songs during a service. Some, like the biblical Psalms, were written millennia ago. Others were written in the past couple of years. Either way, we sing songs that glorify God by teaching us about God and by teaching us how to live the Christian life, both in good times and in bad times. So, we sing songs of joy, songs of lament, and everything in between.
- GIVING: If you do not regularly attend Trinity Community Church, please do not feel obligated to give offerings. For all who would like to give offerings, the offering box is located at the rear exit.